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date-calendar-thin  Wednesday, October 2, 2024                   clock-slim  11 a.m. PDT / 2 p.m. EDT   


When moving, do you wonder if there will be enough room for your things? Most of us do. Whether saving heirlooms or downsizing, we get stuck deciding what stays and goes.  But it doesn't have to be so hard. With self-storage, you keep your most valued possessions safe without disrupting your life. 

For investors like you, storage units can create another stream of passive income for your retirement strategy. And you have the chance to grow your investments tax-free with an IRA. But before investing, you must learn how it works. 

To succeed, it's vital to your success that you understand these operations and how to research storage markets. Each investment type has unique strategies, risks, and growth potential to consider. That's why we're bringing in storage expert, Matt Blackwell, to walk you through each step. 

Join us October 2 to learn how to:

  • Utilize current market trends in your storage strategy
  • Identify benefits and risks of each investing strategy
  • Analyze markets to find investment opportunities 
  • Vet opportunities with advanced due diligence
  • Invest in storage units with and without an IRA

Got questions for our experts? We'll answer them after the presentation. 

Can't make it? No problem! If you register, we'll send you the replay and slides.

Meet your presenters

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Rachel Stolrow

Business Development Manager at The Entrust Group

A key member of Entrust, Rachel Stolrow joined seven years ago as a Business Development Associate. Throughout her tenure, Rachel has made significant contributions to the team. She has played a pivotal role in refining our sponsor and advisor portals, spearheaded multiple outreach initiatives, and successfully onboarded over 1,300 companies onto our investment platform.

Her strengths lie in fostering relationships, prioritizing individual needs, and streamlining processes. Rachel strives to continually optimize the client experience through her acumen in technology and Entrust programs. Dedicated to empowering investors, she equips them with the essential tools to make informed decisions in alternative investments.

With Rachel’s assistance, professionals and clients alike can unlock the potential of leveraging retirement accounts to invest in their preferred and trusted assets.

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Matt Blackwell

Investor Relations at Reliant Real Estate

Matt Blackwell oversees Investor Relations for Reliant Real Estate. In this capacity, he maintains communication with existing and potential investors and raises equity for the Reliant portfolio’s expansion. Mr. Blackwell began his career as an Infantry Officer in the U.S. Army. Understanding that leadership is a people skill, Mr. Blackwell applied his lessons learned in the Army to increase sales and operational efficiency for several companies. Mr. Blackwell is also the Executive Director of Act6 Missions, a non-profit Veteran Service Organization. Mr. Blackwell graduated from the University of Georgia.

Matt is a successful leader with a strong record of exceeding sales objectives in multiple industries. Experience and knowledge gained in the military, small private companies, and a Fortune 50 company have provided valuable expertise in selling a variety of products and services, managing various projects, leading a diverse assortment of teams, and implementing new systems and technologies.

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About The Entrust Group

Entrust strives to provide personal, professional services and education that empower clients to control their investment choices. You can rely on The Entrust Group for up-to-date training and continuing education about self-directed alternative investments. Our reports, webinars, and live events can help you keep up with the increasing demand to diversify portfolios.